Geetaji and Guruji had regularly written columns for a Marathi newspaper
called'sakal'. These were later complled into a Marathi bookArogya yogo.
This book has now been translated into English -Arogya yoga: yoga For Heolth
And Well-being. The book includes detailed methodology with illustrations
for more tharr 45 osona-s including the finer points and the adjustments
to be done in case of difficulty to implement the methodology, The book
explains how the practice of yoga imparts health, weli-being, strength of
character and peace of mind even to a lay practitioner and how the qualities
of integrity, courage, fearlessness, focus, sincerity, a pleasing personality
and self-awareness are qualities bestowed upon the practitioners. lt shows
the path of self-realisation for the more adva nced sadhaka. The book is as
relevant for the common man as for the highly evolved seer. There are seven
chapters dedicated to Savosona, pronoyama concluding with dhyana